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The NAMBALE MAGNET SCHOOL (NMS) in Western Kenya was founded by Reverend Evalyn Wakausama.   After graduating from the Yale Divinity School in 2002, her dream was to build a self-sustaining school in her childhood town for vulnerable children often orphaned by the AIDS/HIV pandemic.


With the help of supporters, a parcel of land was acquired in 2005 and in January 2009, 30 young preschool/kindergarten-age students started school in the newly built classrooms and dormitories.  Each year classrooms were built so that these students could go into the next grade and a new class could begin.  Presently, there are over 300 students from prekindergarten to eighth grade.  The school has academic, vocational, and agricultural paths.  There are many new buildings such as a library and technology labs  (a long way from the days when dormitory linens and uniforms were washed outside by hand).  There are now programs in music, drama, and football.   The oldest students are currently in college and are pursuing degrees such as aeronautical engineering in Kenya's most prestigious colleges.


The North Congregational Church Outreach Mission has been supporting the Nambale Magnet School for many years.  Reverend Evalyn has been to the NCC participating in Sunday Services and keeping us up to date on the school's progress.  


For more information about the school, please visit

The NCC also works with another supporter of NMS, the Cornerstone Project

Rev. Evalyn Wakhusama returns to North Church from Nambale, Kenya, visiting for the first time in three years!  Welcoming her at a light luncheon, and hearing an update on the progress of the Nambale Magnet School was a joy and a blessing.  How wonderful for us as a church to have walked with Rev. Evalyn from the school’s very earliest steps.  It was so good to see her!

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We wanted to share the latest from Nambale with you:


  • Nambale Magnet School Students Achieve! >more

  • Nambale Magnet School Students Excel in Kenya's National High School Qualifying Exams >more

  • Student Profile: Meet Albert >more

  • Teacher Profile: Meet Sara Oyuu >more

  • Nambale Magnet School's Micro Economy: The Farm >more

We were delighted to have Reverend Evalyn Wakhusama from the Nambale Magnet School in Kenya join us for service in February 2019. Reverend Evalyn is a lovely inspiration to all who meet her, and we feel blessed to be a part of her mission to educate and improve the lives of children who have been orphaned or rendered vulnerable by the AIDS crisis. In addition, money raised from the sale of African jewelry at our Fall Festival, at the Woodbury Christmas Festival, and at our Flea Market and Craft Show in April was donated to the Nambale School.

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